The Most Useful Juice is Determined

Different substances contained in juices help the body fight with diseases of the brain.

In particular, Alzheimer’s disease – a progressive brain disease whose symptoms include reduced intelligence, memory loss, disorientation.

“Natural antioxidants reduce the vulnerability of cells to disease and aging – said Alan Crozier, professor of plant biochemistry and nutrition at Glasgow University (UK). – In addition, they improve health and protect against chronic diseases.”

The richest in antioxidants is dark grape juice.

For its medicinal properties the researchers liken it to red wine.

Unclarified apple juice is on the second place, and on the third – cranberry juice.

Doctors also advise to drink grapefruit juice regularly.

Source :
READ MORE - The Most Useful Juice is Determined

Healthy Drink Ginger Tea / Wedang Jahe

Ginger tea otherwise popular as Wedang jahe is indonesian traditional vigorous alcoholic drink, completed commencing uncontaminated juicy ginger. More often than not auburn use for cooking spices otherwise cake season, wholesome drink,medicine and carroty candy.

Ginger Tea               
                    Wedang Jahe

  Ginger Tree
Zingeber officinale

Gingerwith technical nickname of Zingiber officinale suppress two significant digestive enzyme. formerly, protease for break protein. Following, lipase  for break fat. mutually of this enzyme  assist corpse used for digest and permeate food.
Ginger in addition have 19 bio energetic gears practical on behalf of body. The most important component is Gingerol having the character of anticoagulant, which is preventing clothing of blood. Be converted into to avoid stuffing awake of vein, the root cause of stroke, and heart condemn. Gingerol too estimated can assist to degrade cholesterol rate.

Modern research have proved ginger profit scientifically, for example :
  1. Degrading blood pressure. This matter for the reason that carroty stimulate liberation of adrenalin hormone and amplify vein, as a result blood can current quickerly and fluent also lighten work tenderness to pump blood.
  2. Assisting digestion, for the reason that ginger contains of digestive enzyme.
  3. Prevent stuffing cheery of vein, the root basis of stroke, and heart condemn. Gingerol also estimated can assist to degrade cholesterol rate.
  4. Prevent queasy, as auburn can counteract serotonin(chemical compound which can cause stomach and queasy).
  5. Making bounce turn out to be comfortable, lightening stomach cramps and assist to release wing from body.
  6. Ginger also limit antioxidant which can assist to neutralizing of damage influence from free radical in body.
Ginger as functional drug :

Ginger constitute painkilling of pain unaffectedly and can lessen rheumatism, headache, and migraine. It way is drink ginger tea / wedang jahe 3 time apiece day. Drink ginger tea achieve warmhearted and refresh your body. You can drink ginger tea enchantingly demonstrative or cold.or miscellaneous with coffee, milk, tea and too behind taking traditional herbal drink.

serving proposition : pour the contents of sachet auburn / fresh ginger(after cleaning and pound) into a cup(around 250 ml) of excitable water and stir well.

READ MORE - Healthy Drink Ginger Tea / Wedang Jahe

Coconuts Benefits

  • The coconut is one of the greatest gifts of this planet.
  • Coconuts are a prehistoric plant which can outlast several months floating next to sea.
  • The coconut is a organic dampen filter that takes approximately 9 months to filter apiece liter of irrigate. The irrigate travels through a lot of fibers being purified where it is stored not here STERILE in the nut itself.
  • This coconut irrigate is wholesome fair and is one of the highest sources of electrolytes known to man.
  • Coconut irrigate is identical to human blood plasma which makes it the widespread benefactor. Plasma makes cheery 55% of human blood. By drinking coconuts we create ourselves a instant blood transfusion.
  • Many peoples lives have been saved in 3rd globe countries by the coconut IV.
  • Coconuts in their young point of growth are the mainly wellbeing enhancing.
  • Drink on least one a day (I drink 5 or else 6).
  • Coconuts are a great blood purifier.

Other notes on Children Coconuts:

"It's a unaffected isotonic swill, with the consistent glassy of electrolytic assess as we have in our blood. It's the fluid of life, so to speak." Into information, at some point in the Pacific War of 1941-45, in cooperation sides in the conflict evenly second-hand coconut water - siphoned soon as of the nut - to create disaster plasma trasfusions to wounded soldiers.

Most coconut irrigate is still consumed breezy in hot coastal areas - after exposed to air, the liquid rapidly loses mainly of its organoleptic and nutritional characteristics, and begins to ferment. 

READ MORE - Coconuts Benefits

Herbal Medicine Rice Kencur

Herbal medicine rice kencur said most of the herbalist as a herbal medicine that can eliminate the stiff-stiff body. Familiarize with rice kencur drinking herbal medicine, the body will be protected from the stiff-stiff and rheumatic arise when the normal work too jaded. In addition, many of them think that herbal medicine rice kencur can stimulate appetite, so the taste of food and increase the body become more healthy.

In the making of herbal medicine kencur rice, there is some variation in materials used, but there are two main basic material, which is always used, namely rice and kencur. Both materials are consistent with the name of herbal medicine, herbal medicine and is always there even if not always the same composition of the herbalist. Other material which is mixed into herbal medicine racikan rice seed is kencur kedawung, rimpang ginger, kapulogo seeds, fruit acids, key, keningar wood, turmeric, lemon, and nutmeg. As a sweetener used brown sugar mixed with white sugar, and often they also mix made of sugar.

How the processing is generally not much different, that is boiled and left to cool, and then provided as needed. At first the rice disangan, next ditumbuk until smooth. Other materials in accordance with the composition racikan in tumbuk using mortar and pestle of iron or stone. Both materials are then mixed, diperas, and filtered with a filter or through diperas cloth wrapping material. Sari material mixed into the water that is available, stirred average. Then put in the bottles.

  • 3 tbs Rice
  • Acid kawak grains of 3 marbles
  • 8 kencur finger
  • Sugar is bred according to its taste
  • Kapulogo 2 seeds
  • Salt sufficient
  • Ginger 2 thumb
  • Glass Air5 star fruit
  • 1 lemon fruit fruit
How the creation and use of

To enter the water in a pot with palm sugar and tamarind kawak, then boiled until boiling and stirred so that all the material dissolves. After boiling lift, add a little salt and let cool. Rice soaked with water. Ginger, kencur washed clean, peeled and wash again. All materials to be washed with hot water and then tiriskan and ditumbuk / diblender. Materials that have been fine in PERAS and mixed directly into the acid sugar solution while stirred. Finally add the lemon juice sufficient. Drink 1 - 2 glasses a day.

READ MORE - Herbal Medicine Rice Kencur

10 Efficacy and Benefit of Guava

Guava fruits - or Psidium guajava L, only popular when scarlet fever breakout. Whereas, Guava that rich with vitamin c have much benefits for health, and this is may be not yet know famously.

1. Prevent Cancer

Guava fruit contain anti oxidant, as the cancer fighter, likopen. Likopen in guava fruit more absorb by body then likopen in tomatoes, it's because the different of cell structures. Lycopene consumption is quite influential on the reduced risk of prostate cancer in men. All types of guava contain high antioxidant, especially in the red fleshy guava.

2. Reduce Hypertension

Guava is a fruit that should be consumed regularly if you want to avoid heart attacks. The fruit is a hypoglycemic in nature and rich in fiber is beneficial for lowering blood pressure and cholesterol levels. In addition, a medium-sized guava can provide 20 percent of the body's daily requirement of potassium. Research also suggests regular consumption of potassium can lower blood pressure.

3.Treating Diarrhea

Guava plants having astringent, a chemical that will shrink the tissue. This is why the gums will feel harder and refreshed after we chew guava. Besides guava leaves also contain antibacterial substances that can prevent the growth of bacteria when exposed to dysentery. Other bacteria killer in this fruit is karetinoid, vitamin C and potassium.

4. Cough and Flu

Guava leaves are eaten raw or uncooked fruit juice made ​​trusted for generations as a drug treating coughs and colds. This herb works by reducing the formation of mucus and create respiratory tract infection-free. Guava fruit is also rich in vitamin C and iron are effective to inhibit influenza virus infection.

5. Skin Care

Gynecology astringet in guava, will improve skin texture and tighten the skin starts sagging. Not only that, guava also contains vitamins A, C and potassium, which has a function as antioxidants. These nutrients will help the detoxification process and keep skin healthy and wrinkle free.

6. Prevents Constipation

High fiber content in guava effective to prevent constipation. In addition seeds of this fruit is also a powerful laxative that works to help clean the intestinal disposal system.

7. Diabetes

According to research conducted in mice, both fruit and leaves of guava may help lower blood sugar levels.

8. Lose Weight

Guava fruit has a component, which is necessary to lose weight, such as fiber, protein and vitamins. It also makes the stomach feel fuller. Guava is a medium-sized diasup at lunch is enough to block the stomach until dinner.

9. Sprue Abdominal

Vitamin C in guava four times higher than vitamin C in oranges. In addition, this fruit is also a powerful medicine for stomach ulcers, a disease characterized by swollen and bleeding gums.

10. Caring for Teeth

Consumption of guava juice to treat the gums, swollen and bleeding gums overcome.

READ MORE - 10 Efficacy and Benefit of Guava

Medicinal Benefits of Soursop

The Soursop (Annona muricata) is a broadleaf, flowering, evergreen  tree native to Central America, the Caribbean  and northern South America, Colombia  and Brazil, Mexico, Peru, Venezuela, Soursop is also native to sub-Saharan African countries that lie within the tropics. Today, it is also grown in some areas of Southeast Asia. It was most likely brought from Mexico to the Philippines by way of the Manila-Acapulco galleon trade. It is in the same genus as the chirimoya and the same family as the pawpaw.
Soursop fruit

The soursop is adapted to areas of high humidity and relatively warm winters; temperatures below 5 °C/41 °F will cause damage to leaves and small branches, and temperatures below 3 °C/37.4 °F can be fatal. The fruit becomes dry and is no longer good for concentrate.
Annona muricata var.subonica

Other common names include: guanĂ¡bana (Spanish), graviola (Portuguese), Brazilian pawpaw, guyabano, corossolier, guanavana, toge-banreisi, durian benggala, nangka blanda, and nangka londa. In Malayalam, it is called mullaatha , literally thorny custard apple. The other lesser known Indian names are shul-ram-fal and hanuman fal. Lord Ram and his disciple Hanuman are believed to have consumed this fruit on their way to Sri Lanka.

Its flavor has been described as a combination of strawberry and pineapple with sour citrus flavor notes contrasting with an underlying creamy flavor reminiscent of coconut or banana.

Medicinal Benefits: Soursop is not only a delicious and healthy fruit but it is use medicinally to treat illness ranging from stomach ailments to worms.
  • The seeds, which have emetic properties, can be used in the treatment of vomiting.
  • The leaf decoction is effective for head lice and bedbugs.
  • The crushed fresh leaves can be applied on skin eruptions to promote healing.
  • The juice of the fruit can be taken orally as a remedy for urethritis, haematuria and liver ailments.
  • The juice when taken when fasting, it is believed to relieve liver ailments and leprosy.
  • To speed the healing of wounds, the flesh of the soursop is applied as a poultice unchanged for 3 days.
  • A decoction of the young shoots or leaves is regarded as a remedy for gall bladder trouble, as well as coughs, catarrh, diarrhea, dysentery, fever and indigestion.
  • Mashed leaves are used as a poultice to alleviate eczema and other skin problems and rheumatism.
  • The root bark is use as an antidote for poisoning.
  • Soursop flowers are believed to alleviate catarrh.
  • Decoction of leaves used as compresses for inflammation and swollen feet.

Source : 
READ MORE - Medicinal Benefits of Soursop

Top 10 Healthy Drinks for Weight Loss

Weight loss and the proportional indeed ideal is coveted by most people. With an ideal weight, a person will always have a higher confidence when compared to someone who is overweight. A person who is obese is usually impressed insecure, especially if you want PDKT the opposite sex, certainly less PD than the slim-slim ma, hehe. In addition, people who are obese are also prone to several diseases, such as high cholesterol, diabetes mellitus, etc.. So, various methods are used by most people to have an ideal body weight, either by way of a healthy diet, which at great expense (liposuction), or by means of torture (highly not recommended).

Below I will present this list of the top 10 healthy drinks that can help you reach your weight that you can see>>

1. Vegetable Juice

Vegetable juice is every bit as nutritious as fruit juice but with about half the calories. Most vegetable juices are also rich in fiber which can help make you feel full and in turn eat less.

2. Fruit Smoothies

Mix-up a delicious batch of smoothies using your favorite fruits and a little bit of skim milk. Do not consume smoothies with added sugar, whipped cream, honey, or other sweeteners that can add hundreds of calories – in other words, don’t eat smoothies from your favorite local restaurant or ice-cream shop and think that you’re eating healthy because you’re not!

3. Fruit Juice
Fruit juices have loads of vitamins and nutrients, but it’s important to make sure that there’s no added sugar…sorry Sunny D and Tang! Also remember that the pulpier, the better. Fruit juice with lots of pulp contains added fiber that can help you feel more full and eat less.

4. Black Coffee

Coffee has plenty of positive health benefits and best of all, it contains no calories! Black coffee is rich in antioxidants that can help boost your mood, improve concentration, reduce the risk of diabetes and cancer, as well as many other benefits. Keep you coffee consumption at 4 cups or less per day – as with anything, moderation is the key.

5. Green Tea

Like coffee, green tea has a plethora of positive health benefits and contains plenty of helpful antioxidants. It also helps to boost your metabolism if consumed on a daily basis, which can help to speed up your body’s fat-burning mechanism – as much as a 40% increase in some cases!

6. Milk

The calcium in Low-fat or skim milk can help contribute to the breakdown of fat cells in your body. Too much milk, though, can pack on the pounds because it does contain a lot of calories, so stick to 3-4 small servings per day in order to benefit from milk’s weight loss benefits. 

7. Protein Drinks

Protein drinks, such as from powders or pre-mixed varieties, can have a great effect on your weight loss regiment, because lean muscle is very efficient at burning fat. In other words, the more muscle you have, the more fat your body will burn. Protein is a big part of this equation, because it’s the building block of muscle growth.

8.Fiber Drinks

There’s many fiber-rich drinks on the market today, and they can be a great tool for any weight loss program. Fiber helps to make your body feel full, and it also has plenty of other positive health benefits as well.

9. Apple Cider Vinegar

Sounds a little gross, and it may be too gross for some people to try, but apple cider vinegar is a sort-of “old school” health drink that was very popular in the ’70s as a weight loss tool. Although there aren’t any scientific studies that actually prove it works, many fitness gurus swear by it, saying that it greatly boosts your metabolism if taken regularly…Hey, it’s worth a try! Here’s a recipe to make your own apple cider vinegar.

10. Ice Water

Probably the most powerful weight loss tool at your disposal, and also the cheapest, is plain old ice water (who’d a thunk!). Drinking plenty of water is great for your body because it helps you feel full, boosts your metabolism, and it contains zero calories. Furthermore, some studies suggest that drinking just two extra glasses of ice water per day can help boost your metabolism by as much as 30%. This equates to about 5 pounds of fat loss per year!

hopefully useful!

READ MORE - Top 10 Healthy Drinks for Weight Loss

The benefits of Rosella Tea

Red rosella flower that has been dried and brewed cup of tea that tastes a little acid is able to treat coughs, uric acid, cholesterol, hypertension, free radicals, and freshener (tonic). In addition, based on scientific research conducted scientists Sudan, red rosella also efficacious for lowering blood pressure (hypotension), respiratory tract anticonvulsants, anticacing (antelmintik), and antibacterial. "Thank God, after three months of red rosella tea, my blood sugar down 320-101 and my blood pressure also improved," said the lily. Now he is free from chemical drugs which he has been consumed for fifteen years and his health improved Secangkir Rosella Red: healthful Other testimony came from Lina (29 years) who initially tormented with a normal heart rate thus making it difficult to sleep. Although the "feel good, I still drink red rosella tea to stay fit and maintain weight," said Lina previously weighing 70 kg with a height of 154 cm. This is not a figment because red rosella contains a variety of efficacious compounds, such as antioxidants, essential acids, beta carotene, potassium, iron, and various kinds of vitamins. get a cup of warm red rosella tea with a beautiful color. Currently, some herbal manufacturers started producing red rosella in a form easily consumed, the tea bag (tea bag) and capsules. In addition, red rosella is also present in the form of jams, preserves, and syrups. Indonesia is still dependent on Middle Eastern countries to get the red rosella seeds, such as Sudan and Saudi Arabia.

Source link:
READ MORE - The benefits of Rosella Tea


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