Nutrisi Untuk Menurunkan/Menaikkan/Menjaga Berat Badan

Formula 1 - Nutritional Shake Mix

Apakah anda ingin menurunkan, mempertahankan atau menaikkan berat badan secara sehat?
Apakah anda menderita suatu penyakit yang harus memantang makanan-makanan tertentu?
Apakah anda merasa menu makan anda tidak cukup mengandung gizi yang dibutuhkan?Apakah anda selalu ingin ngemil? Atau selalu lapar?
Apakah anda tidak cukup waktu untuk makan karena sibuk?
Apakah anda orang yang memiliki aktivitas tinggi atau
olahragawan, yang memerlukan nutrisi lebih dibandingkan orang lain?
Apakah anda selalu lesu dan cepat lelah sepanjang hari?
Apakah anda sedang dalam pemulihan kesehatan anda?
Apakah anda orang yang terlalu pilih-pilih jenis makan sehingga
konsumsi makanan kurang bervariasi?

Jika salah satu dari pertanyaan-pertanyaan di atas jawaban anda "Ya" sangat tepat bagi anda untuk mengkonsumsi Formula 1 Shake yang lezat, karena :

  1. Merupakan produk inti Herbalife
  2. Merupakan nutrisi seimbang yang dapat berfungsi sebagai pengganti makanan 1-2 kali sehari dan mengenyangkan.
  3. Bahan-bahan yang terkandung merupakan nutrisi pilihan dari bahan alami yang diformulasikan untuk mudah diserap kedalam sel-sel tubuh kita dan memberikan pasokan gizi yang cukup untuk kinerja tubuh yang optimal.
  4. Nutrisi pilihan yang terbaik dari alam, seperti fruktosa, kombinasi protein bernilai biologi tinggi (isolated soy protein dan casein), asam lemak esesial, dietary fiber, vitamin, mineral dan trace elemen (merupakan mikronutrien penting untuk tubuh yang sering tidak tersedia dalam makanan yang kita konsumsi sehari-hari).
  5. Sebagai bahan bakar untuk tubuh, menambah energi, kebugaran dan kesehatan tubuh.
  6. Sangat baik dalam program pengontrolan berat badan, karena  kandungan proteinnya dapat meminimalkan pembuangan otot.
  7. Mengandung terobosan teknologi enzim Aminogen yang bereaksi meningkatkan penyerapan protein.
  8. Rendah kalori, lemak, gula dan garam sodium, serta  mikronutriennya lengkap yang sangat membantu program  penurunan berat badan yang aman dan sehat.
  9. Tindak mengandung komponen yang menimbulkan alergi (seperti laktosa dan whey protein).
  10. Kombinasi karbohidratnya membantu mengatur kadar gula darah.
  11. Kandungan lemak berupa asam lemak esensial yang sangat baik untuk kesehatan jantung, pembuluh darah, imunitas tubuh dan pemulihan setelah sakit.
  12. Menurut Dr. Lawrence May (Senior Vice President Herbalife,  Nutritional Product Development & Scientific Affairs), Soy Protein dalam Formula 1 sangat baik untuk penderita Kanker Payudara (Breast Cancer), Keropos Tulang (Ostheoporosis), menurunkan kadar kolesterol, baik untuk jantung, dan MENYEIMBANGKAN HORMON dalam tubuh.
  13.  Singkatnya 70 % keperluan tubuh akan Nutrisi berasal dari  Formula 1

Cara membuat F1 Shake Herbalife :

  • Campurkan 2-3 sendok makan F1 ke dalam 200-300 ml air dingin atau  air es, kocok (tidak bisa diaduk). Sehingga perlu gelas tertutup atau dalam botol tertutup.
  • Campurkan dalam jus buah, susu non fat, susu kacang kedelai yang disukai. Caranya, setelah buah, air dan es diblender, maka tambahkan 3 sendok makan F1 ke dalam blender, lalu blender sekali lagi sebentar. Dalam penyajian bisa pula tambahkan potongan buahnya

Catatan Penting :
Shake tidak boleh dilarutkan dengan air panas atau hangat karena akan merusak kandungan gizinya.

Harga Rp. 345.000,- ( Isi 550 grm -untuk 22x makan)
Untuk info Call/SMS 082388991609
READ MORE - Nutrisi Untuk Menurunkan/Menaikkan/Menjaga Berat Badan

The Most Useful Juice is Determined

Different substances contained in juices help the body fight with diseases of the brain.

In particular, Alzheimer’s disease – a progressive brain disease whose symptoms include reduced intelligence, memory loss, disorientation.

“Natural antioxidants reduce the vulnerability of cells to disease and aging – said Alan Crozier, professor of plant biochemistry and nutrition at Glasgow University (UK). – In addition, they improve health and protect against chronic diseases.”

The richest in antioxidants is dark grape juice.

For its medicinal properties the researchers liken it to red wine.

Unclarified apple juice is on the second place, and on the third – cranberry juice.

Doctors also advise to drink grapefruit juice regularly.

Source :
READ MORE - The Most Useful Juice is Determined

Healthy Drink Ginger Tea / Wedang Jahe

Ginger tea otherwise popular as Wedang jahe is indonesian traditional vigorous alcoholic drink, completed commencing uncontaminated juicy ginger. More often than not auburn use for cooking spices otherwise cake season, wholesome drink,medicine and carroty candy.

Ginger Tea               
                    Wedang Jahe

  Ginger Tree
Zingeber officinale

Gingerwith technical nickname of Zingiber officinale suppress two significant digestive enzyme. formerly, protease for break protein. Following, lipase  for break fat. mutually of this enzyme  assist corpse used for digest and permeate food.
Ginger in addition have 19 bio energetic gears practical on behalf of body. The most important component is Gingerol having the character of anticoagulant, which is preventing clothing of blood. Be converted into to avoid stuffing awake of vein, the root cause of stroke, and heart condemn. Gingerol too estimated can assist to degrade cholesterol rate.

Modern research have proved ginger profit scientifically, for example :
  1. Degrading blood pressure. This matter for the reason that carroty stimulate liberation of adrenalin hormone and amplify vein, as a result blood can current quickerly and fluent also lighten work tenderness to pump blood.
  2. Assisting digestion, for the reason that ginger contains of digestive enzyme.
  3. Prevent stuffing cheery of vein, the root basis of stroke, and heart condemn. Gingerol also estimated can assist to degrade cholesterol rate.
  4. Prevent queasy, as auburn can counteract serotonin(chemical compound which can cause stomach and queasy).
  5. Making bounce turn out to be comfortable, lightening stomach cramps and assist to release wing from body.
  6. Ginger also limit antioxidant which can assist to neutralizing of damage influence from free radical in body.
Ginger as functional drug :

Ginger constitute painkilling of pain unaffectedly and can lessen rheumatism, headache, and migraine. It way is drink ginger tea / wedang jahe 3 time apiece day. Drink ginger tea achieve warmhearted and refresh your body. You can drink ginger tea enchantingly demonstrative or cold.or miscellaneous with coffee, milk, tea and too behind taking traditional herbal drink.

serving proposition : pour the contents of sachet auburn / fresh ginger(after cleaning and pound) into a cup(around 250 ml) of excitable water and stir well.

READ MORE - Healthy Drink Ginger Tea / Wedang Jahe

Coconuts Benefits

  • The coconut is one of the greatest gifts of this planet.
  • Coconuts are a prehistoric plant which can outlast several months floating next to sea.
  • The coconut is a organic dampen filter that takes approximately 9 months to filter apiece liter of irrigate. The irrigate travels through a lot of fibers being purified where it is stored not here STERILE in the nut itself.
  • This coconut irrigate is wholesome fair and is one of the highest sources of electrolytes known to man.
  • Coconut irrigate is identical to human blood plasma which makes it the widespread benefactor. Plasma makes cheery 55% of human blood. By drinking coconuts we create ourselves a instant blood transfusion.
  • Many peoples lives have been saved in 3rd globe countries by the coconut IV.
  • Coconuts in their young point of growth are the mainly wellbeing enhancing.
  • Drink on least one a day (I drink 5 or else 6).
  • Coconuts are a great blood purifier.

Other notes on Children Coconuts:

"It's a unaffected isotonic swill, with the consistent glassy of electrolytic assess as we have in our blood. It's the fluid of life, so to speak." Into information, at some point in the Pacific War of 1941-45, in cooperation sides in the conflict evenly second-hand coconut water - siphoned soon as of the nut - to create disaster plasma trasfusions to wounded soldiers.

Most coconut irrigate is still consumed breezy in hot coastal areas - after exposed to air, the liquid rapidly loses mainly of its organoleptic and nutritional characteristics, and begins to ferment. 

READ MORE - Coconuts Benefits